Grand National Analysis Spreadsheet

As you may or may not know, I wrote a piece for my Geegeez website this week, outlining who I think might win the Grand National this year, and why. If you’ve not seen that, you can read it here: Grand National 2010 Preview.

My scribbles were based on a chunk of research I undertook, using various filters on a spreadsheet.

In order to shortcut the process of analysing the Grand National runners for yourself, I’m making that spreadsheet available to you, below:

>>>Download Excel 2007 version of GN Spreadie<<<

>>>Download Excel 97 or 2003 version of GN Spreadie<<<

>>>Download Open Office version of GN Spreadie<<<

Open Office is available free, and you can download it here.

Incidentally, if any of you happen to read The Irish Field, you might see my debut article in that newspaper this weekend, which is syndicated to them from the Geegeez piece.


p.s. I’m not much of a techie, so if you’ve any questions, please post them below and hope someone can answer. (Apologies in advance if not).


3 Responses to “Grand National Analysis Spreadsheet”
  1. Tom Wooldridge says:


    I have downloaded and saved the Excel 2007 version but cannot get the file to open properly. I’ve also tried running the file directly from the link but with no success. Anyone have any clues?


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